# | Name | Released at |
91 | Vlad Tepes - Celtic Poetry (Demo) | 1994-11-00 |
26 | Vlad Tepes - Into Frosty Madness | 1995-01 |
19 | Black Murder - Feasts | 1995-07 |
86 | Brenoritvrezorkre - Ervoelbtre | 1995 |
95 | Mütiilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood | 1995 |
58 | Brenoritvrezorkre - Vasagraèbe Éakr Vatrè Brenoritvrezorkre | 1996 |
24 | Hirilorn - Legends of Evil and Eternal Death | 1998-08 |
71 | Various Artists - March to the Black Holocaust | 1998 |
12 | Deathspell Omega - Disciples of the Ultimate Void | 1999-07-01 |
39 | Anorexia Nervosa - Sodomizing the Archedangel | 1999 |
78 | Antaeus - Cut Your Flesh And Worship Satan | 2000-07-24 |
82 | Benighted - Benighted | 2000 |
97 | Peste Noire - Aryan supremacy | 2001-04-08 |
14 | Mütiilation - Destroy Your Life for Satan | 2001 |
8 | Peste Noire - Macabre Transcendance... | 2002 |
53 | Darvulia - L'ombre Malicieuse | 2002 |
75 | Nehëmah - Light of a Dead Star | 2002 |
67 | The Arrival of Satan - Darkness Dealer | 2003-09 |
27 | Nehëmah - Shadows From The Past... | 2003 |
37 | Haemoth - Satanik Terrorism | 2003 |
76 | Malicious Secrets - Apostle Of Him | 2003 |
84 | Necrocult - Necrocult | 2003 |
93 | Nordmen - Vertus Guerrieres | 2004-01 |
28 | Glorior Belli - Evil Archaic Order | 2004-03-10 |
9 | Nehëmah - Requiem Tenebrae | 2004-03 |
69 | Ravensblood - From The Tumulus Depths | 2004-07-28 |
81 | Seth - Era-decay | 2004-09-25 |
40 | Haemoth - Vice, Suffering And Destruction | 2004 |
79 | Christicide - Apex Of Negativity | 2004 |
32 | Sombre Chemin - Doctrine | 2005-02-07 |
17 | Glorior Belli - Ô Laudate Dominvs | 2005-04-30 |
22 | Glorior Belli - Ô Lavdate Dominvs | 2005-04-30 |
31 | Haemoth - Kontamination | 2005-11 |
72 | Armaggedon - Imperium Wird Durch Das Blut Wieder Aufleben | 2005-11 |
83 | Gladsheim - war wolf spirit | 2005 |
35 | Epheles - Souviens-Toi | 2006-03-31 |
45 | Peste Noire - La Sanie des siècles - Panégyrique de la dégénérescence | 2006-08-02 |
64 | Peste Noire - La Sanie des Siècles - Panégyrique de la Dégénerescence | 2006-08-02 |
65 | Peste Noire - La Sanie Des Siècles - Panégyrique De La Dégénerescence | 2006-08-02 |
96 | Malleus Maleficarum - Nothing Left To Fight For | 2006-09-23 |
49 | Armaggedon - Ave Satan | 2006-11 |
2 | Deathspell Omega - Kenose | 2006 |
36 | Merrimack - Of Entropy And Life Denial | 2006 |
70 | Finis Gloria Dei - Goat: Father of the New Flesh | 2006 |
62 | N.K.V.D. - Diktatura | 2007-05-09 |
10 | Glorior Belli - Manifesting the Raging Beast | 2007-06-19 |
5 | Peste Noire - Lorraine Rehearsal | 2007 |
25 | Gestapo 666 - Nostalgiah | 2007 |
63 | Insane Vesper - Twilight of Extinction | 2008-02-01 |
66 | Deathspell Omega - Manifestations 2000-2001 | 2008-03-20 |
90 | F.A.M.A.S. - Est Imperare Orbi Universo | 2008-04 |
7 | Aosoth - Aosoth | 2008-05-29 |
46 | Les Chants de Nihil - Les Six Leçons | 2008-06 |
18 | Torgeist - Devoted To Satan | 2008-08-16 |
59 | Sacrificia Mortuorum - Damnatorium ferrum | 2009-03-01 |
42 | Armaggedon - I.N.R.I. (I, Nazarene, Recognize my Impurity) | 2009-03-09 |
89 | Peste Noire - Ballade cuntre lo Anemi Francor | 2009-03-27 |
48 | Glorior Belli - Meet Us at the Southern Sign | 2009-05-25 |
77 | Les Chants de Nihil - De La Gloire | 2009-05 |
88 | Mourning Forest - Au Coeur de L'Ombre | 2009-07-24 |
100 | Aosoth - Ashes of Angels | 2009-10-09 |
57 | Voqkrre - Palans in Pestilens | 2009 |
43 | De Silence et d'Ombre - 3: The Fall | 2010-05-13 |
11 | Mortifera - Maledictiih | 2010-06-17 |
44 | Sühnopfer - Nos Sombres Chapelles | 2010-06-30 |
3 | Nocturnal Depression - The Cult of Negation | 2010-09-04 |
94 | Nordmen - Nordmen | 2010-10-25 |
80 | Mourning Forest - De la vermine | 2010-10 |
6 | Feigur - II, Desolation | 2010-11-05 |
50 | Sale Freux - Subterraneus | 2010 |
56 | Celestia - Archaenae Perfectii L'Arche Arcane des Parfaits | 2010 |
99 | Sale Freux - Mortuailes | 2010 |
4 | Aosoth - III | 2011-04-22 |
13 | Epheles - Je Suis Autrefois | 2011-05-05 |
51 | Peste Noire - L'Ordure à l'état Pur | 2011-05-20 |
47 | Autarcie - Horizons Funestes | 2011-09-15 |
33 | Glorior Belli - The Great Southern Darkness | 2011-09-23 |
41 | Blut aus Nord - 777 - The Desanctication | 2011-11-11 |
52 | Sale Freux - L'Exil | 2012-06-06 |
61 | Osculum Infame - Consuming The Metatron | 2012-09 |
92 | Caverne - Des Tréfonds Du Haut Bois | 2012 |
85 | Armaggedon - Sieg Heil 666 (The Awakening of the Baphomet's Einsatzgruppen) | 2013-01 |
29 | Christicide - Upheaval of the Soul | 2013-05-22 |
15 | Peste Noire - Peste Noire | 2013-06-20 |
68 | Baise Ma Hache - Ab origine fidelis | 2013-11-07 |
74 | Nécropole - Atavisme... | 2014-02-00 |
55 | Doctor Livingstone - Contemptus Saeculi | 2014-02-18 |
23 | Sühnopfer - Offertoire | 2014-12-01 |
1 | Nocturnal Depression - Spleen Black Metal | 2015-05-25 |
20 | Peste Noire - La Chaise-Dyable | 2015 |
21 | Merrimack - Omegaphilia | 2017-06-09 |
87 | Esoctrilihum - Pandaemorthium (Forbidden Formulas To Awaken The Blind Sovereigns Of Nothingness) | 2018-02-23 |
73 | Sainte Marie Des Loups - Sainte Marie des Loups | 2018-08-05 |
60 | Peste Noire - Peste Noire – Split – Peste Noire | 2018-12-14 |
30 | Esoctrilihum - The Telluric Ashes Of The Ö Vrth Immemorial Gods | 2019-05-24 |
98 | Esoctrilihum - The Telluric Ashes of the Ö Vrth Immemorial Gods | 2019-05-24 |
34 | Asphodèle - Jours Pâles | 2019-11-01 |
54 | Belore - Journey Through Mountains and Valleys | 2020-01-24 |
16 | Vi - De Praestgiis Angelorum | 2021-05-28 |
38 | Peste Noire - Le retour des pastoureaux | 2021-09-01 |